kā uzstādīt WinESD?

Šo ierakstu izveidoju, lai kāds ,kas meklē internetā winesd tik pat izmisīgi kā es, var to ielādēt.. vienkārši oriģinālā lapa vairs neeksistē un nekur citur nevar to dabūt (Ilgi meklēju līdz atradu vienā krievu lapā)

Tātad par WinESD: Šis ir virtuāls skaņu kartes draiveris kas tam atskaņošanai paredzēto skaņu pārraida pa tīklu uz ESD serveri. Ļoti izdevīgi tad kad sēdi ar portatīvo datoru gultā, bet visa foršā skaņu sistēma ir pieslēgta pie servera. Par to kā uzstādīt ESD serveri (piemēram Pulseaudio) nestāstīšu, bet tā ir viena noderiga lieta 😉

No ju jau neeksistējošās lapas, “http://www.clingman.org/winesd“:

Update 7/5/2000 Verson 0.03 is here (source ). This fixes several problems with Windows 2000 and some installation issues.


The latest version (0.03) will install in Windows 2000 and NT 4.0. The installation is tricky, and somewhat hacked. Maybe 0.04 will fix this.


* After unzipping the zip file, go to the “Multimedia” control panel.


* Select the “devices” tab.


* Click on “Add”


* choose “Unlisted or Updated driver”


* type in the Path where WinESD was unzipped. The installation may complain about the driver already being on the system. I don’t know why this is, but I think the OEMSETUP.INF file needs to be reviewed.


* Add a registry value “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREEnlightenedWinESDESPEAKER” (REG_SZ) that contains the node name of your esd machine (i.e. “linuxhost:16001”). The port number is needed–Old version of esound used 5001, new version use 16001


* Reboot


The driver currently reports errors using several different Beeps. This is ugly, but consistent with the rest of the driver. A very high pitched beep (2kHz) means the registry entry was not found or invalid (check Security on the key). A medium pitched tone (1.5kHz) indicates that the driver got “Connection Refused” from the server.


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